Senior Baby Ads are on sale now. Check your email for the online form. All ads are due by September 25, 2023.
Beauty & Beau forms are now available in Mrs. Kidd’s room (139), Mrs. Savell’s room (214), or the front office. Forms are due on September 25, 2023.
THE DARK ZONE haunted house is every Friday and Saturday nite in October from 7pm-10pm at the SOCCER FIELDS on I-20 by Crossgates. Any students who would like to volunteer may sign up on Saturday Sept. 9 from 9am-12noon at Silver Spoon Daycare on Silver on Woodgate Drive South.
If you are interested in joining the BHS National Art Honor Society and have already taken Art 1, please come to the interest meeting on Friday, September 8 at 7:50 in Room 318.
Any girls interested in joining the Cross Country team please see Mrs. Parker in room 207 for information. We would love to have you!
Tryouts for the Girls and Boys Bowling teams will be held at Fannin Lanes on Tuesday, September 19. Any 9th-12th graders interested in trying out MUST sign up with Coach Hagan beforehand in room 516.
The BHS Blood Drive is on Wednesday, September 13th. Please sign up using QR codes located on the posters throughout the school or at THIS LINK. All donors will receive a $10 Visa gift card. Donors must be 16 years of age and older. If you are 16 years old, you need to have guardian permission and these forms are located outside Room 401.