Hi BHS! My name is Trinity Stamps and I am a Senior writer for Print Journalism. This is my first year being a part of this group and also my last. Although my time has been short-lived, I have thoroughly loved Print Journalism. Sharing my thoughts and opinions with my peers has been an amazing experience. I participated in the Brandon Mayor’s Youth Council, Beta Club, National Honor Society, and BHS Peer Tutoring, and I volunteered independently as well. I would say one crucial aspect of my high school career has been the growth of my faith. My faith has been essential to me all my life. As I have ventured through high school, I have seen my faith grow as much as I have. My journey of faith has been impacted by the open conversations and intimate friendships that I’ve collected through my time in Print Journalism. In the upcoming fall, I will attend Mississippi College as a Pre-Law student and plan to attend Mississippi College School of Law after! I’m so grateful for the opportunity of Print Journalism and can’t wait to see what will happen next!