With the celebration of Halloween came the 3rd annual BHS House of Horrors. This event is hosted by the BHS theater, where stagecraft showcases a production to fellow students. Each year, students are led by student tour guides through a trail of decorated rooms intended to scare anyone who enters. This year, it was in the MPR, beginning in the art hall. The actors would begin their fright in the waiting room by cutting off students’ bright orange bracelets that represented tickets, before entering the MPR. After their tour guides led them through the ramp/stage, students would follow them through the maze of movie scenes from Halloween, The Shining, The Conjuring, Hannibal, Fear Street, Alien, IT: Pennywise, Scream, Carrie, Saw, and Texas Chainsaw. Throughout the event, actors crawled on the floor, screamed at, talked to, and even ran around the MPR to scare students. Many of the actors had students screaming in passing as they hurried away from one scare to the next. The haunted house is such a fun way to celebrate with other students and is a very intriguing and interactive way for theater to perform for students at BHS!