In November, the Class of 2025 had the privilege to elect who they believed represented them best. At Brandon High’s Beauty and Beau Senior night, Mr BHS and Ms BHS for the Class of 2025 were announced to be Jacob Gardner and Avery Power. Both of these students acknowledge how great of an honor it is to hold such a great title. Jacob Gardner shared with Print Journalism how grateful he was for this opportunity. He wants his fellow students to know “[he] is so thankful [he’s] been able to spend the last twelve, thirteen, years with [us], and [that] it’s been an amazing ride. For those of you [he] won’t see much after highschool, [he prays] for the best in y’alls lives, and [he thanks] y’all for all the impacts y’all have made on [him]. [He hopes] that in some form [he has] impacted y’all.”