Welcome to November Bulldogs! Fall has just begun, except unlike any other year before, we’ve received a fall break. October 7th through the 14th, students and staff were out of school. These first few months of school, we have learned to love our new students, teachers, classes, and routines. However, stress is bound to come with change. My classes have hit the ground running with assignments, tests, and homework, all while still balancing extracurricular activities, hobbies, and friends. A week to get a break from stressful school work and be able to relax while Fall begins sounded like paradise, and paradise it was. Many teachers also enjoyed fall break and hope that it becomes an annual event. Mr. Roberts likes the idea of fall break because “there’s a break in between every other nine weeks” which gives him time to catch up on grades and make plans for the next nine weeks. I think Fall Break was productive to include in the school year. I was able to enjoy my time at home, as well as collect myself to finish this semester strong.