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Finale Senior Night

Finale Senior Night

Finale is a weekend full of emotion and heartfelt performance from the members of our Brandon show choirs. Every year, the Brandon Show Choir Association (BSCA) hosts a final performance of their competitive show for the respective season and a “rewind,” a compilation of past shows from the two high school groups, Brio and Bellas. This year’s Finale was held on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of May. Finale is a fantastic show and a tremendous way to showcase the many accomplishments of our highly successful show choirs.

Finale is always the most emotional part of the year for show choir members. As Saturday night arrives, the seniors prepare for the most emotional night yet. Saturday night of Finale is the most impactful and tear-jerking, with the senior song, senior speeches, and the last time the graduating class will ever perform with the Brandon Show Choir Association. The senior speeches were very impactful, with students giving encouraging thoughts and sharing lessons they had learned along their journey. This year was different, though. Someone was missing. A hole in the group, in the speeches, on the stage. Heather Mangum delivered a heartwarming speech in place of her son, Griffin; she shared her thoughts on how Griffin felt towards show choir and the new family she did not know she fell into. As she gave this speech, she would remind the performers that when she lost one, she gained so many—this moment struck the Brandon Show Choir association in so many ways. It brought pain. It brought joy. It brought hope. But most importantly, it showed how much of a family Brandon High School Show Choir is.

Later in the night, the senior song is performed. All the seniors line up on the stage and sing “Viva La Vida” together. While singing this song, the seniors would step up to represent the year they joined show choir. There was a touching ending once the seniors made it to the very end of the song. A video of Griffin when he was much younger singing “Viva La Vida” began playing. The seniors and audience listened closely as Griffin finished the senior song. His solo left everyone touched in a way they had never felt before. After all, Finale is not just a showcase. It’s goodbye. One final performance before the seniors move on to the next chapter of their lives. One final show for Griffin to watch from heaven, uniting us all in his memory and our shared journey through music. Finale is not just a showcase; Finale is everything.

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